Putin and Biden meeting at the G20 in Indonesia The

Putin and Biden meeting at the G20 in Indonesia? The tsar has already accepted, but the US: “We don’t want that”

Putin and biden they might meet soon. The Russian President accepted the invitation to the G20 summit, which will be held in Indonesia in November. The news was announced by Indonesian President Joko Widodo, the current head of the forum among the world’s most influential countries. That United StatesHowever, they announced a few weeks ago that the Russia should be removed from the G20 for the decision on the invasionUkraine on February 24th.


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Putin-Biden meeting, the US is considering sending a delegation

After Indonesia announced it had confirmed Vladimir Putin’s attendance at the G20, President Joe Biden and his advisers are considering how to approach next November’s summit. CNN reports, recalling that Biden said Russia should be expelled from the G20 after invading Ukraine. Among the various hypotheses analyzed is the sending of a lower-level delegation to Bali, where the summit will take place in early November, or remote participation. However, Biden’s personal participation remains the most likely hypothesis, even if Putin is present. In fact, no decision was taken to boycott the summit, the White House notes, noting that such a move would have the negative effect of ceding the international conference table to Russia and China.

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Putin: “Russia will be sure to be in the G20”

The only person who did not comment on Indonesia’s decision, probably dictated by a desire not to break the front of some of the so-called emerging countries that refuse to take a stand in the conflict, was the person concerned. Putin let his spokesman Dmitry Peskov speak, who answered journalists’ questions without clarifying almost anything, not even the Russian president’s actual participation in the G20. “It’s not decided yet,” he replied to those who asked if he was going there in person or virtually. And he added that it was “premature” to say if there would be room for a mutual meeting with Zelenskyy. Only the phone call between Putin and the Indonesian Widodo is certain. “They had a very positive conversation – said Peskov – Putin wished success to the Indonesian presidency of the G20 and assured that Russia will do everything necessary and possible to contribute to it”.