Putin and Zelenskyy will only meet with the agreements

Putin and Zelenskyy will only meet with the agreements

Putin and Zelenskyy
Moscow.- Russian Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said today that there is no timetable for a meeting between the presidents of Russia and Ukraine, which must be preceded by the finalization of the text of the bilateral agreements.

“Nothing has changed in this regard,” the senior Russian official stressed in press statements, referring to one of the decisions reached by the Moscow and Kyiv delegations at last Tuesday’s talks in Istanbul, Turkey.

US doesn’t understand what’s happening in Moscow, says Kremlin.

Russian Presidential Advisor Vladimir Medinsky told the press that day that the meeting could coincide with the signing of a peace treaty between the two countries at foreign ministerial level.

He explained that both leaders could discuss “details of the agreement, nuances and political details” at the time of signing and considering the document, the news agency reported. TASS.

“In this way, if the treaty is worked out quickly and the necessary compromise is found, the possibility of achieving peace will be much closer,” he added.

The head of the Russian delegation to the negotiations with Ukraine warned that the Kremlin would present its proposals for a peace treaty after studying the Kyiv ones.

In statements to the TV channel rtrecalled that Moscow’s conditions for the cessation of hostilities and the end of the conflict were presented to the Ukrainian side from the very beginning of the military operation, “but now we understand how to move towards a compromise.”

He said there was still a long way to go to prepare an agreement between Moscow and Kyiv on terms acceptable to both sides.

He noted that the Ukrainian authorities’ proposals represent the country’s first concrete aspiration and entail a commitment, the news agency reported. TASS.

The Russian representative explained that Moscow had taken another step in response to this move, noting the gradual military de-escalation towards Kyiv and Chernihiv.

“The second big step on our part concerns the possibility of holding a summit when the foreign ministers sign the prepared treaty,” he said.

Hours earlier, Medinski told the press that Ukraine’s written proposals include a refusal to join military blocs, a ban on placing foreign military bases and contingents in the country, and a ban on conducting military exercises on national territory without the consent of guarantor states, including Russia .

The head of the Russian delegation assured that the Kyiv document also confirmed his interest in remaining neutral and free from nuclear weapons.

“We have received written proposals from Ukraine confirming its desire for a neutral, non-aligned and non-nuclear status, with refusal to produce and use all types of weapons of mass destruction, including chemical and bacteriological weapons,” he said.