Putin around the corner Kiev tanks in the east and

Putin around the corner, Kiev tanks in the east and Russian supply cuts: Tensions are growing in Moscow

ROME Kreminna. Yesterday afternoon, Ukrainian media, particularly those dealing with analysis of tactics and military operations on the ground, identified this small town of 20,000 as the next target in Luhansk Oblast, one of the four areas to be targeted after the farce referendum these were the subject of the annexation announced by Putin on Friday. The tanks of Kyiv You are progressing faster than expected. And now the tsar is in more and more trouble. Even after the rhetorical frenzy of the Moscow ceremony, one of his followers like the Chechen Kadyrov admitted this Donbass things go wrong A showdown reigns from parts of the Kremlin, so much so that Telegram channel pro-Putin Readovka has accused the Chechen leader of being “worse than his enemies.” After hoisting the flag at Lyman, a logistically important hub because the railway lines run here, the Ukrainians are now aiming for Kreminna, around 35 kilometers away. If they succeed in driving the Russians back from there as well, they will cut off the stretch of land responsible for them in a devastating way To fly Deliveries to Severodonetsk.

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Fact for everyone: Kreminna is almost 130 kilometers from Luhansk and 190 from Donetsk, the two capitals of the annexed areas Putin, those who, according to his speech, “will be Russians forever”. The Ukrainian army is gaining ground in the east, coming down from the Kharkiv region, but is not going so fast south, to the Kherson area, where Putin wanted to maintain a larger force. Lloyd Austin, chief of the Pentagon, explains: “TheUkraine it is making progress thanks to the skills of its soldiers and the strategic use of weapons supplied by US and NATO allies, in particular the Himars mobile rocket launchers. What we’re seeing now is some change in the dynamic of the fight. The Ukrainians did very well in the Kharkiv area and took advantage of the opportunities. The struggle in the Kherson region is slowing down a little, but they are making progress ». According to the British Ministry of Defense analysis, the capture of Lyman (and the possible subsequent advance at Kreminna) is crucial “because it enables control of a key road crossing the Silversky Donets river, behind which Russia has attempted to block its consolidate defenses”.

Wladimir Putin it seems increasingly stuck in a dead end. And not just because he had promised the Russians a military deployment lasting several weeks and treated them to a long and exhausting war that isolates the federation from the rest of the world, now that China too is increasingly lukewarm towards territorial annexations, Ukrainians and the threat of deploying nuclear weapons. Putin finds himself on the one hand with an increasingly aggressive band of hawks calling for more decisive and ruthless action, see Kadyrov citing the use of tactical nuclear weapons, on the other hand with an increasingly unsettled and frightened public opinion. Announcement of the partial mobilization, which envisages the forced conscription of 300,000 men.

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Over 260,000 have already fled Russia, and protests are also being reported from regions further afield, such as Dagestan, where people are gravitating to turn out. Zelenskyy said he was ready to sit down at the negotiating table, but only if Putin was not at the head of the federation. However, the way to remove the tsar seems to be very complicated and not at all obvious. But the Russian monolith from the start of the invasion is gone. Leonid Bershidsky, former director of Vedomosti, who has been living as a refugee in Berlin for years, suspects a new cleanup operation – another one – at the forefront of the defense. Andrei Gurulyov, a retired MP and general, accuses the military leadership of giving Putin distorted information about the real situation at the front, using the term “endemic lie”. Yevgeny Progozin, at the head of the Wagner group (the ruthless mercenaries around Putin), argues that the Russian generals have disarranged the under-equipped troops. The Observer also revealed that the notorious Task Force Rusich, linked to Wagner, is fighting for the Russians in Ukraine. It is a Nazi group that calls for atrocities against prisoners of war “and explicitly supports torture”.