“It is important that the code of criminal offenses against international law is approved and comes into force as soon as possible.” without this code, the Italian judicial authority might have to deal with a vulnus and have problems, for example, deciding on the possible extradition of the Russian President if he is arrested in our country.
“Many people – Block explains – are wondering whether Italy has jurisdiction to carry out the execution of an arrest warrant against Putin if he comes to Italy Successor law to implement in 2012 must execute a possible arrest warrant. And while Putin enjoys personal immunity as a foreign head of state, so does Italy’s commitment to carry out orders of the International Criminal Court as jus cogens. So, if Italy could undoubtedly carry out such an arrest, “problems could arise if the Court of Appeal of Rome, competent in the case, were to rule on the existence of the conditions for surrender to the International Criminal Court: in this case it would have to examine whether the crimes that Putin is accused of are provided for in our legal system. In this case, the crime hypothesis should be that of deportation of children, which is not expressly provided for in our legal system, and since Italy has not yet approved the crimes law against humanity, the Court of Appeal of Rome could have criticism of the recognition, in our legal system, a crime hypothesis consistent with that for which arrest was sought. Italy must therefore approve the code of international crimes against humanity as soon as possible to avoid finding itself in this type of problem, with consequent damage to its image at international level.