Putin betrays promises and bombs Kyiv Biden asks Beijing to

Putin betrays “promises and bombs Kyiv: Biden asks Beijing to mediate

Given the “reduction of military activities like to fly calls the way to a truce (which does not come). Kyiv and Chernihiv They continue to be subject to Russian air raids. Kyiv has announced that it has regained control of the nuclear power plant Chernobyl. Joe Biden he asked Beijing to mediate, a request that was initially ignored. Biden has also pledged to use a million barrels of oil a day for six months to cut costs.

second Kyiv Many members of the Russian military were exposed to radiation. Concerns about Putin’s decrees on the Gas. European governments say they are united in opposing what they call “blackmail”. Wladimir Putin pay gas deliveries in rubles and evaluate what the true intentions of Kremlin About. A meeting of European ambassadors yesterday morning took the line of requiring all 27 to abide by the agreed treaties to the letter. So only pay in the designated currencies, euros or dollars.

Gazprom has started informing customers about the new payment mechanism gas Giving technical advice on how to convert payments into rubles: “As the Russian company Gazprom is fully and fully subject to Russian law and is a responsible partner and will continue to safely export gas to customers.” The way out for Western customers and the Kremlin could be that Russian customers are asked to open a double account, one in currency and one in rubles Russia. So whoever pays, pays in euros and whoever collects, collects Ruble. The point is to make it clear who is taking on the volatility of the ruble. to fly accusation Kyiv of an attack on Russian territory and threatens retaliation. Ukraine denies this.


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