Putin calls for this before the G20 summit quotThink about

Putin calls for this before the G20 summit "Think about how you can stop the tragedy" in Ukraine El Periodico

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023 – 3:26 p.m

The Russian President, Wladimir Putinadmitted this Wednesday that “we have to think about how to stop this tragedy”, referring to the War in Ukraine during his intervention in the Virtual summit of G20 heads of state and government. “Of course, military operations are always a tragedy for individuals and families as well as for the country in general. Undoubtedly we need to think about how to stop this tragedy,” he said. Putin During a speech broadcast on public television, he added that Russia had “never” refused to enter into peace negotiations with Kiev. Putin’s intervention can be interpreted as the international community’s first attempt to think about a way out of the war, which, in addition to the human drama, is also damaging the Russian economy.

Putin reminded that he is the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, who issued a decree banning dialogue with Russia to end the conflict that Moscow started in February 2022. He also alluded to colleagues who were “shocked” by the consequences of Russian “aggression” against the neighboring country. “I understand that war, the death of people cannot be otherwise. And the bloody coup in Ukraine in 2014, which led to the Kiev regime’s war against its own people in Donbass? “Isn’t that moving?” he said. He added: “And the annihilation of the civilian population in Palestine, in the Gaza Strip, isn’t that impressive? And the fact that doctors have to operate on children (…), using scalpels on children’s bodies without anesthesia, is it.” It’s not impressive? Does it have no impact?” “And when the Secretary General of the United Nations says that Gaza has become a great children’s cemetery, isn’t that moving?” he emphasized.

Putin did not take part in the last three summits G20 in Italy, Indonesia and last September in India. At the latter he was represented by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.