Putin can declare total war on Ukraine and impose martial

Putin “can declare total war on Ukraine and impose martial law in Russia on May 9”

According to British sources, the Russian President could use the “Victory Parade” not to declare the capture of Ukrainian territories or cities, but to declare the end of the “special operations” phase and enter the “war” phase.

Until last year, May 9 was simply Russia’s “Victory Day” parade against the Nazi-Fascists of World War II. Western analysts have been assuming for weeks that Putin wants to make a declaration of victory in the “special military operation” in Ukraine this year. But now, according to British sources, the Russian President could use this day to give the conflict a further boost. By declaring the end of the “special operation” phase and initiating that of a real, “total” “war” against Ukraine.

According to reports in the British newspaper Independent, Russian and Western officials have asked for anonymity.

According to sources cited by the British newspaper, the move is aimed at calming the “outrage” simmering in the Russian army over the failures accumulated during hostilities in Ukraine.

Seeking “revenge,” army leaders appear to be urging the Russian president to make the official announcement at Moscow’s traditional V-Day military parade in Red Square.

The move, writes The Independent, would allow the Kremlin to impose martial law, ask its allies (starting with Belarus) for more military aid, and activate a mass popular mobilization.

The hypothesis that May 9th is used to herald a major mobilization was also suggested in a paper by Jack Watling and Nick Reynolds of the Royal United Services Institute: “This date seems to have gone from a deadline to a turning point to to mobilize the population. towards a general mobilization ». And again: «It seems increasingly likely that the government will use the parade to rename ‘special operation’ to ‘war’. The resulting mobilization would confirm preparation for a long war. The proof lies not only in the rhetoric of the propaganda, but also in the country’s economy, which has been converted to a wartime economy geared towards ensuring the long-term supply of critical weapons.

April 30, 2022 (Update April 30, 2022 | 16:13)