Putin coup detat by Russian secret services increasingly likely Alarm

Putin, coup d’état by Russian secret services “increasingly likely”. Alarm in the Kremlin after the revelations of a dissident

Putin under control of Russian secret services“. And then «Done a coup against it tsar“. The rumors about one are increasing Coup to to fly. The Tam Tam Dal Kremlin appears to be expanding throughout Russia and to collect the “tip” coming (perhaps) from anonymous sources within the commando group is a Russian dissident in exile: Vladimir Osechkin. To sum up his words on the alleged coup against Putin in preparation, that is the case Times from London, who takes these rumors with a pinch of salt.

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The coup against Putin

The standstill of war in Ukrainethe report of the numerous Russian losses at the front, with actual figures from dead never reported to the Russian public, and so “the risk of Putin being overthrown by a security coup grows every week in the chaos engulfing the Kremlin after the failed war in Ukraine,” says the whistleblower and informant for the Russianinexile dissident Vladimir Osechkin.

The chaos and discontent over the failed Russian invasion of Ukraine would therefore be among the biggest thorns in the side of the Russian President, with tensions among Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) agents becoming increasingly palpable. Dissident Vladimir Osechkin spoke to the Times about this, emphasizing the growing anger of Russian FSB agents.

The mistakes of the Russian secret services

Putin ups the dose on Russian intelligence and accuses FSB agents of being quick to take control of Ukraine. Not to mention the weight of Western countries’ sanctions, which are making themselves felt even among FSB officials, as the Russian economy is paralyzed and the value of the ruble is collapsing, actually devaluing the wealth of even Putin’s friendly generals.

Osechkin: “Goodbye good life”

«For 20 years, Putin has created stability in Russia says the dissident Osechkin, who lives in exile in Paris and from where he runs his work with the website Gulagu.ru, which denounces abuses in Russian prisons . The FSB officials, the police officers, the judges, the people within the system were able to live well ». But now, he reveals, citing a source within the services, anger at Putin is growing. With each week and month the war drags on, the possibility of a rebellion by the security services increases.

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The Messenger (@ilmessaggeroit) March 22, 2022