Putin has found a rival for next year39s elections

Putin has found a rival for next year's elections

Wladimir Putin, Russian dictator in power since 1999, was confronted with an unusual situation at his annual press conference. Faced with a version of you generated by Artificial intelligence (IA) showed discomfort and a rare hesitation in his answers.

Introduced as a “St. Petersburg State University student,” the digital “double” apparently surprised the Russian dictator and the audience with questions about the use of lookalikes and the risks associated with artificial intelligence and neural networks.

“Vladimir Vladimirovich [primeiro nome e patronímico de Putin], Hello, I am a student at St. Petersburg State University. I want to ask: Is it true that you have many doppelgangers?”

The digital Putin caused laughter in the audience in the press conference room in Moscow. The irony relates to conspiracy theories about Putin's use of doppelgangers.

The Russian dictator, who had already been answering questions for four hours, said:

“I see that you can look like me and speak with my voice.

But I thought about it and decided to do it Only one person should be like me and speak with my voice, and that's me“, finished the joke.

Regarding AI, he said: “It is impossible to prevent the development of artificial intelligence, and that means.” We need to do everything we can to be leaders in this process, but no one knows how this will turn out.“.

Putin has found his only rival for next year's election: himself

The Russian dictator won four presidential elections and saw the opposition virtually nonexistent.

This antidemocratic scenario is reinforced by a series of measures that further strengthen Putin's position. A controversial constitutional reform in 2020 allows him to remain in power until at least 2036.

Additionally, previous elections have been marred by irregularities, and human rights groups have warned of a likely ban on independent observers monitoring the vote. Putin also tightened rules for media coverage of the 2024 elections.

The five major parties eligible to field candidates in the 2024 election are all supporters of the Kremlin and the offensive in Ukraine, reflecting a political scenario in which there is virtually no diversity of opinions and candidacies. Putin's opponents and critics are arbitrarily arrested after fictitious trials or simply die in inexplicable situations.

The apparent lack of an effective opposition and the maintenance of high domestic approval ratings despite sanctions and economic challenges point to a scenario in which Putin finds himself without a rival, at least of flesh and blood.

Watch the video:

Seeing double? [AI] Putin appears at [real] Putin's press conference pic.twitter.com/LYe1TBWRAJ

RT (@RT_com) December 14, 2023