War in Ukraine: “Putin has the Gunsliger gear”. Experts explain what it is and what disease is behind it
Putin could have Parkinson’s disease For several days it has been rumored that the Russian President Wladimir Putin have an illness. Although the Kremlin continues to deny all this, instead it seems that whoever unleashed the terrible war in Ukraine did so Parkinson’s.
Among the signs that point to this are certainly the swollen face and also the Gunslinger Gang. But what exactly is the latter? This term denotes a style of special walk, similar to that of a gunslinger, which would anticipate a signal of the disease.
It was to notice Ba’s flower, a professional professor who based his career on the study of Parkinson’s disease. He carefully analyzed several videos of the Russian leader and said: “For movement disorder experts like us, the first diagnosis that comes to mind when watching the President’s pace is certainly partly, is Parkinson’s diseasein the oneswing arm asymmetrically reduced is a distinctive feature.” “Indeed he declared indeed blossom possibly the first sign of Parkinson’s disease, as shown by videos of football matches played by legendary England midfielder Ray Kennedy. Only later did it turn out that this was the first sign of his Parkinson’s disease,” the professor finally added.
But that’s not all. In addition to the Parkinson’s hypothesis, there is another theory. Experts who have thoroughly studied the movements Putinthey also came across the training manual of the KGB which gives instructions on how operators should move around the field. Thus, given the education Putin received at the turn of the 1970s, researchers wondered if this might explain the president’s pace. As a matter of fact This hypothesis cannot be ruled out as it could be the result of a simple professional deformation.
“We believe there is another and perhaps more plausible explanation, namely behavioral adaptation resulting from military or intelligence training,” other experts wrote.
Therefore, there are many assumptions on the part of the experts, but to date it is not possible to have certainty of what has been said. Only over time will it be possible to see if this gait is deteriorating or not to really understand if it is a disease Parkinson’s or not.