Putin is ready to use nuclear weapons Moscow wants to

Putin is ready to use nuclear weapons? “Moscow wants to attack one of the countries that support Kiev in order to intimidate the N Ilmessaggero.it

Heavy losses on the battlefield become a problem Putin. The Russian president is therefore increasingly considering the use of tactical nuclear weapons. According to a report, the goal isIISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies) would discourage this Born: so more of a deterrent than a real weapon for large-scale use. But still a serious threat to the security ofUkraine and other western countries.

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Losses in Ukraine push Putin toward tactical nuclear weapons

A declassified U.S. intelligence report, nearly two years after the so-called “special operation” began, estimated that Russia lost around 315,000 soldiers in Ukraine, nearly 90% of its prewar army. Much of these losses can be attributed to weapons donated to Kiev by the West.

“Russia now has less confidence in its conventional capabilities because it lost everything in the war in Ukraine,” he said William Alberque, author of the IISS report and director of strategy, technology and arms control at the institute. This means that Moscow's short-range nuclear weapons, so-called non-strategic nuclear weapons (NSW), are becoming an increasingly concrete resource for the Kremlin.

“Moscow has short- and medium-range missiles, launched from air, land and sea, capable of delivering nuclear warheads across the entire theater of operations and endangering the entire NATO.” NATO itself does not have any one type of counterbalance capability to counter the Russian threat,” Alberque explained.

“Moscow wants to attack one of the countries supporting Kiev to scare NATO”

The IISS report also highlights a document published in June by the top Russian political and military analyst Sergei KaraganovChairman of the Foreign and Defense Policy Council in Moscow, in which he called for a tactical nuclear strike against one of the European states supporting Ukraine in order to restore deterrence against NATO.

In the document entitled “A difficult but necessary decision“, writes Karaganov: “It is necessary to awaken the instinct of self-preservation that the West has lost and to convince it that its attempts to wear down Russia by arming the Ukrainians are counterproductive for the West.” We must “We can once again convincingly demonstrate nuclear deterrence by lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons.”

“Morally, this is a terrible decision, since we are using the weapon of God and thereby dooming ourselves to severe spiritual losses.” But if we do not do this, not only Russia could die, but most likely the entire human civilization will cease to exist. By breaking the West's will to continue aggression, we will not only save ourselves and ultimately free the world from the five-hundred-year Western yoke, but also save humanity,” Karaganov wrote.

Alberque notes that since the publication of Karaganov's article, many other well-known political scientists in Russia have participated in this nuclear debate. Alberque reveals that his opinion is held in high regard by Russian President Putin.


According to the IISS report, NATO lacks the resolve to respond with its own nuclear weapons. Moscow is convinced that it is crucial for the West to reorient its deterrence. «Should we introduce the same systems (Nnsnw)? Or do we take Russian options off the table by better integrating air and missile defense? These are the things we need to understand. This is a new dilemma. Or I would say, a dilemma that we have ignored for too long,” Alberque concluded.

Putin in Kaliningrad

Vladimir Putin was at today (January 25). Kaliningrada Russian exclave between Poland and that Lithuania. The visit comes at the height of tensions between Russia and NATO, which this week launches the largest military exercise since the Cold War. But “this is not a message to NATO,” the Kremlin spokesman liked to emphasize. Dmitry Peskov.

“When the President visits the regions of the Russian Federation,” Peskov emphasized, quoted by the Ria Novosti agency, “this is not a message to the NATO countries.” This is the main thing that the President does, and the main thing is not, Not only to send messages, but what he has been doing for many years, namely to work for the development of the country and our regions.” Putin's commitments include a meeting with students at Immanuel Kant University, named after the philosopher who worked in the He was born in the city of Königsberg and spent his entire life there, the then capital of East Prussia, which was renamed Kaliningrad after the annexation to the Soviet Union in World War II.


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