Putin receives relatives of dead soldiers and asks quotKindness mercy

Putin receives relatives of dead soldiers and asks "Kindness, mercy and justice" for Orthodox Christmas CNN Portugal

The Russian president called on the government to do more to protect and provide conditions for fighters in Ukraine

This time there was no ceasefire in Russia to celebrate Orthodox Christmas, as was the case in 2023. Nevertheless, the Russian president wanted to mark the date with a clear message to the Russian people: the men fighting in Ukraine deserve every support.

Surrounded by family members of fallen soldiers, Vladimir Putin called on the entire population to support the troops defending Russia's interests “with weapons in hand” and took the opportunity to leave a message to the government that understands needs to increase its support for those who are struggling.

“Many of our men, our brave, heroic men, Russian warriors, even now on this holiday defend the interests of our country with weapons in hand,” he said from the chapel of his residence in NovoOgaryovo.

The images, broadcast on state television and reproduced by the Russian press, show a president in moments of communion with the families of those who died in Ukraine. All this in the Divine Liturgy, a moment celebrated at the transition from January 6th to 7th and one of the most important dates in the Orthodox Church.

But not only was there no ceasefire, Ukraine claims that 11 people were killed and 10 others injured in a Russian attack on the outskirts of the city of Pokrovsk. Conversely, Russian forces accuse Kiev of bombing parts of Donetsk.

“I want our meeting to be a clear, noticeable signal to all my comrades in the Russian Federation at all levels a clear signal to ensure that my comrades are always at your side, I repeat, at every level of power,” added he added. in the words addressed to the families, which make it clear that more is not being done for these people.

In addition and if the message was not clear enough the Russian President reiterated the need to respect Russian values ​​and traditions, and in particular called on the government to provide stronger and better support to those who mourn.

In parallel, and in a message that also appeals to emotions, Vladimir Putin called on all Russians to uphold the “unwavering” values ​​of “goodness, mercy and justice” and called on the Russian Orthodox Church to help strengthen family ties and to contribute to patriotism.

Dealings with the Orthodox Church have become more vehement in recent months. Based on his vision of the “Russian world,” Vladimir Putin trusts the institution to preserve traditional values, particularly by passing laws restricting the LGBT+ community.

In parallel with the Russian celebrations and in contrast to the rest of Ukraine, the Russiancontrolled parts of Ukrainian soil also celebrated Christmas on this day. Recall that as part of the “move away from Russian heritage,” President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced that the most important Christmas date will now be celebrated on December 25th.