Putin styles himself as an anti colonial fighter

Putin styles himself as an anti colonial fighter

Politicians from the Global South and former Austrian Minister Karin Kneissl came to St Petersburg. Kremlin chief Putin questioned Zelenskyy’s Jewish origins.

In his speech at this year’s St. Petersburg Economic Forum (Spief), Vladimir Putin presented himself as an anti-colonial pioneer. “The ugly neocolonial system is coming to an end, the multipolar world is getting stronger,” he said, speaking of an “unstoppable process”. problems? It’s not worth talking about. Neither the imminent budget gap due to funding the invasion of Ukraine, nor the delay in high technology as a result of sanctions. At 3.3 percent, the unemployment rate is a record low, Putin said. He did not mention the war or the emigration of young Russians. His slogan: “Forward only!” The elite applauds and hopes the president is right.