1650981079 Putins Lover Compares War to Victory Over Nazis

Putin’s Lover Compares War to Victory Over Nazis

Bizarre performance by Alina Kabaeva: Putin’s alleged playmate drew parallels between WWII and the invasion of Ukraine.

There is also a lot of noise about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s alleged lover Alina Kabaeva (38). After her sudden appearance in Moscow a few days ago, the 38-year-old singer was invited to her annual “Alina Kabaeva Festival” in the Russian capital on Saturday. The former athlete also refuted rumors that she was staying in a high-tech bunker in Siberia or Switzerland.

READ MORE: Day 61 of the war in Ukraine – the live ticker

However, Vladimir Putin’s alleged girlfriend also used her appearance at the festival to beat her alleged lover’s war drum. As a military choir sang a patriotic folk song in the background, Kabaeva, along with hundreds of children in military uniforms, took the stage to deliver a propaganda rant.

“Holidays for all families”

“This issue, you see, this story doesn’t just go into the past. It stays with us,” she began her statement with a reference to World War II. “This celebration is not just for the whole country, it is a celebration for all families. Each family has a history of war and we must never forget it, but we must pass it on from generation to generation”, he linked the events of that time with that current war in Ukraine.

Clearly seen in the background during Kabaeva’s speech: A wall with the infamous Z, which became the symbol of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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The rumor about Putin and Kabaeva is boiling

In fact, however, the Kabaeva festival was supposed to be about gymnastics. The former world-class gymnast won more than a dozen medals in major events and was considered the leading figure of Russian gymnastics until her retirement.

Kabaeva has been friends with the Russian president for years and is said to have given him twins. She would have been crucial to Putin’s 2015 divorce. The Kremlin has never commented on Kabaeva’s role in Putin’s life. But Kremlin members have long talked about a love affair between the two.

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According to a report by the Daily Mail, the festival’s full show will air on May 8. The eve of the most important Russian holiday, Victory Day on May 9, which commemorates the end of World War II in 1945 and the surrender of Nazi Germany. According to reports, Putin plans to use May 9 to announce a victory over Ukraine.

War in Ukraine on the 61st – the “Today” news video

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