Putins propaganda compulsory patriotic education in schools from the age

Putin’s propaganda: compulsory “patriotic education” in schools from the age of 6

by Marco Imarisio

The rewriting of the didactic history books was considered unsatisfactory, it doesn’t matter that every reference to Ukraine has already been erased. Go to the new floor

The new courses are aimed at teaching young people love and gratitude for the fighters of the Great Patriotic War and all other wars waged by our people. Happy holidays, children of Russia. When you return to class next September 1st, you will have to watch the flag raising in the courtyard every Monday while listening to the national anthem being played over the loudspeakers. Arrived in the classroom, even the youngest, the elementary school students, find an additional subject. Needless to say which ones. Just know that the new course is called “Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation”. The adults who take care of you are sure that this initiative will strengthen and awaken love for the homeland. For these new teachings aim to form the minds of younger generations based on national values ​​and guide them to a fair assessment of the events affecting our nation.

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The school year has just ended. Traditionally, the new guidelines for teaching have arrived. A little late this time. In mid-May, the Russian parliament rejected the plan put forward by the education ministries, which had also been mandated to set up patriotic classes and fire teachers who refused to join them. It still wasn’t enough. The rewriting of the didactic history books was considered unsatisfactory, it doesn’t matter that every reference to Ukraine has already been erased.

The question is not a small one. In fact, it concerns national security, as written in the text that returns the first proposal to the sender. So important that the second most powerful man in Russia intervened. Nikolai Patrushev, the former head of intelligence and now head of the Security Council, stood up and called for a complete overhaul of Russia’s education system to train a new generation of patriots. After criticizing the history books for giving little importance to Soviet heroism against Hitler, the politician, regarded as the most combative politician, had attacked from a distance the teachers who all too often choose to stay with the western enemy, manipulating children and to distort history.

Patrushev ousted the Ministry of Education and assigned the task of revising the manuals not to a teacher, but to Sergey Naryshkin, his successor at the head of the intelligence service, who is also the director of the Historical Society of Russia. Our President read out the new text, published a few days ago, which authorizes the introduction of history education in elementary schools, with particular reference to education in our homeland. Children can also rely on an extracurricular activity called Conversation on Important Issues, where they can listen to key government officials watch videos that help them understand the importance of historical memory. Except talk shows. Propaganda starts at school.

July 1, 2022 (change July 1, 2022 | 09:18)