Qatar rejects Netanyahus comments The Antagonist

Qatar rejects Netanyahu’s comments The Antagonist

O Qatar reacted with sharp rejection to the Israeli Prime Minister's criticism, Benjamin Netanyahuabout the country's role as a mediator in the Gaza war.

Netanyahu said in a leaked recording: Responsibility for financing Hamas was attributed to Qatar. The statements were reported by Israeli broadcaster Channel 12.

Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman Majed alAnsari said on X (formerly Twitter) that Netanyahu's comments, if confirmed, would be “irresponsible and destructive to efforts to save innocent lives.”

Qatar, along with Egypt, has been actively involved in negotiations to establish a ceasefire in Gaza and ensure humanitarian access to the besieged area. In November, the country played a crucial role in securing a weeklong lull in fighting, releasing more than 100 hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons.

Despite the criticism, Qatar remains a key player in the peace negotiations and continues its efforts to negotiate a more permanent agreement. The current situation highlights the challenges facing Middle East diplomacy.

Netanyahu is under significant internal and external pressure, including the Israeli public's expectations to ensure security and respond effectively to threats.

The luxurious life of Hamas leaders in Qatar

Hamas leaders like Khaled Mashaal It is Ismail HaniyehThey live comfortably in Qatar, far from the war they caused.

Mashaal, the group's cofounder, has lived in exile since a failed assassination attempt in 1997. Haniyeh took over the leadership of Hamas' political office in 2017. Both live in Doha, where they enjoy an opulent lifestyle, living in villas and traveling on private jets.

Reports suggest that the Qatar provides Hamas with around $30 million a month. These funds directly benefit the group's managers and their operations. These funds go directly to the leaders of the terrorist group.

The emirate justifies the presence of Hamas leaders as part of its policy of supporting Palestinian organizations. However, this alliance has faced criticism and pressure from countries such as the United States, raising questions about the impact of this alliance on diplomacy and regional security.