1672677811 Qatargate Metsola call for lifting of immunity for MEPs Cozzolino

Qatargate, Metsola call for lifting of immunity for MEPs Cozzolino and Tarabella

The emergency procedure to waive the immunity of the two Members of the European Parliament was initiated at the request of the Belgian judicial authorities. “We confirm that we have applied for the waiver of the parliamentary immunity of two members of the European Parliament, but we will not give names or other information,” said the spokesman for the Brussels public prosecutor’s office when asked.

Qatargate Metsola call for lifting of immunity for MEPs Cozzolino

1672677805 474 Qatargate Metsola call for lifting of immunity for MEPs Cozzolino

According to the procedure established by the regulation of the European Parliament, the Legal Commission appoints a rapporteur and the cases in question are presented during a meeting of the Commission itself, where a hearing may also take place. The draft report will then be discussed and voted on by the Commission, which will make a recommendation to Parliament as a whole to accept or reject the motion. All cases of immunity are investigated behind closed doors.

The recommendation is then submitted to the plenary session. In case of Plenary approval, the President, acting by simple majority, shall forthwith communicate Parliament’s decision to the Member(s) concerned and to the competent national authority. Roberta Metsola, it is said, has asked all services and commissions to prioritize this procedure with a view to its completion by February 13, 2023.

“From the outset, the European Parliament has done everything in its power to support the investigation and we will continue to ensure that there is no impunity. Those responsible will find this Parliament on the side of the law. Corruption does not pay off and we will do everything we can to fight it,” said the President of the European Parliament. Metsola will also outline its reform intentions in the coming weeks, including a Review of current regulations and improvement of internal systems.