Qatargate, the shocking audio stolen from the inspector: "Panzeri is lying…"

  • Qatargate, the shocking audio stolen by the inspector: “Panzeri is lying…”
  • Qatargate, the investigator's audio recorded by Giorgi: “We don't believe in Panzeri. No trust in justice, it is pushed by politicians” Il Fatto Quotidiano
  • Qatargate, the head of investigators, on Panzeri's reliability: “We don't believe anything he says, he deceives us” Corriere Milano
  • The investigators do not believe the “repentant” Panzeri, the Katargate tragicomedy continues (by M. Perduca) HuffPost
  • Qatargate, the inspector leading the investigation: “Panzeri is making fun of us: we don’t believe anything he says.” Il Doubt