After decades of absence from our TV screens, Quantum Leap is expected to return for a new generation with a revival of the beloved sci-fi drama on NBC. Fans of the long-running series were curious to see how it would be updated in a modern context – and on Friday we learned what the first cast in this new project would be. Top Gun: Maverick and Kevin Can Fuck Himself star Raymond Lee is set to co-star in the project, according to Variety. Lee will play Dr. Ben Song, who is described as a scientist and believer, a world-famous physicist working on the Quantum Leap Project.
The new “Quantum Leap” takes place 30 years after Dr. Sam Beckett (Scott Bakula) entered the “Quantum Leap” accelerator that allowed him to “jump” into the bodies of people from different eras and disappeared. Now a new team has been assembled to restart the project in hopes of understanding the mysteries behind the machine and the man who created it. Negotiations are reportedly underway for Bakula’s potential return to his role.
“Obviously this show is very special to me, so I would like to wish good luck to whoever made it,” Bakua told TVLine back in 2021. “I mean, the idea of walking in the shoes of another man or woman is so relevant and so important right now. … We have become so divided in our world that the opportunity to cross that line of politics and just deal with humanity and the individual who shares a moment on the planet with you is really relevant.”
He added, “There was also something quirky about the show because it has that period feel to it, because Sam traveled everywhere during his life. It made him a bit old fashioned but I hope they find out the truth and Sam was such a naive kid who just happened to be a brilliant scientist who stumbled upon something and suddenly found himself in all these different lives, worlds, people and situations that he and could not imagine that it would grow. I just hope they try to keep it, but you know, I don’t know what they’ll do.”
What do you think about Lee joining the cast of the Quantum Leap revival? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!