Quebec Garbage and recycling collection hit by labor shortage

Quebec: Garbage and recycling collection hit by labor shortage

GFL Matrec, which has a garbage collection and recycling contract with the City of Quebec, is struggling with a major labor shortage that is causing collection delays.

Several Quebecers found that their garbage cans were not always emptied on the scheduled collection day. The company argues that this is not an accident, but a consequence of the shortage of workers.

“Of course we are not immune to this,” says Bernard More, spokesman for Matrec. He explains that several employees have been working overtime continuously for 25 months.

“And there is shortness of breath. It is currently more difficult with the absenteeism rate, emphasizes Mr. More. We are in a situation where we are still catching up. »

But despite the double bites, the spokesperson acknowledges that it’s getting harder and harder to stick to set schedules.

“A driver who doesn’t return to work is a truck that doesn’t go on the road,” he argues.

The company multiplies maneuvers to attract workers. There are also employees from other regions who come to Quebec as reinforcements at the weekend.

“We rent them hotel rooms and pay for meals so they can help,” More said.

Recruit in Tunisia

Matrec is also trying to attract foreign workers, especially mechanics, by hiring internationally.

“We drove all the way to Tunisia to get some. We have four mechanics that come from there. And we have four more, also from Tunisia, who are in training,” the spokesman encourages.

In addition to recruitment problems, the company also suffers from delays in the delivery of spare parts and new vehicles.

“I have trucks that have been sitting in the yard for months waiting for parts,” regrets Mr. More. We’re doing everything we can.”


We at the City say we are aware of the situation and prefer to be understanding in a context where several economic sectors are severely affected by the situation.

“This demanding work and the possible absenteeism lead to high staff turnover. The supplier responsible for this sector, GFL Matrec, is making great efforts to resolve the situation, the company is constantly hiring new employees,” said Mireille Plamondon, spokeswoman.

In addition, the number of complaints to 3-1-1 related to waste and recyclables collection has not increased.

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