1699887388 Quebec is on the black list in the French speaking world

Quebec is on the “black list” in the French-speaking world –

Immigration Canada’s red tape is damaging the reputation of Quebec, which is now blacklisted in French-speaking countries, an immigration consultant warns.

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Like many others, the Aurélie Martin case has been making the rounds on social networks in recent months. Such treatment of French-speaking immigrants who already work in the area and have paid their taxes is not without consequences, emphasizes Maryse Grob, who has been advising the family for several months.

When the federal government is responsible, Quebec suffers. The idyllic picture of the province of La Belle and its huge snow-covered forests is no longer convincing.

“It is his image in the world that is affected,” she emphasizes. I’m someone on the ground, I can tell you, immigration inquiries to Quebec from people who get up in the morning, from France, from Belgium, from Switzerland, who tell me: “I’m going to immigrate, make my dream come true” in Quebec “, There is no longer! It is finished! Quebec is blacklisted!”

Pay your taxes

The government needs to provide support to immigrants already working on Quebec soil who are in implicit status after setbacks with bureaucracy, according to the immigration adviser. François Legault must put pressure on the federal government in this direction, she emphasizes.

Maryse Grob remembers that Aurélie Martin and her husband paid their taxes for more than 18 months but were not entitled to anything, neither benefits nor unemployment, when they were forced to leave their jobs while waiting to be legalized. Status.

Quebec is on the “black list” in the French-speaking world.

Photo Andreanne Lemire

“What are we waiting for to provide the immigrant with this money that he has paid for 18 months, so that in the event of a streak of bad luck he can get this money back in the form of a living allowance received until then?” nor a visa? What are we waiting for to give some kind of subsidy to those who are on site, who then no longer have status due to a badly checked box, but remain with us on site without having the right to work?”

The adviser believes that people should at least have the right to get back the money they have paid into the public purse.

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