The largest gold mine in Quebec becomes half South African

Quebecers are fed up with mining in the Wild West

Quebecers refuse to sacrifice their health and the environment in the name of the economy and the mining industry, according to a Léger poll released on Tuesday.

“[La population] calls for comprehensive reforms to reduce the industry’s footprint, protect the health of the population and require the consent of the communities before any mining activity on their territory,” we can read in a press release published by the Léger survey team.

Almost four in five Quebecers (79%) say health and the environment should come before the economy, even if it means halting certain mining projects. Only 28% of respondents believe the mining industry and government are doing enough to protect the environment.

A total of 80% of respondents agree that governments should prioritize reuse and recycling of minerals before operating more mines, and 54% believe that reducing mining output is necessary to combat climate change.

Almost all individuals support strict environmental measures to ban dumping of mining waste into lakes and welcome the addition of significant penalties.

Three out of four people want mining projects in tourist or recreational areas to be banned, and 78% of respondents support the idea of ​​obtaining the consent of the people in affected communities before starting a project.

The poll was conducted July 11-18 with 995 Quebecers, 50% of whom were Montrealers.