1703474822 Quiz You39re part of the 90s generation if you name

Quiz: You're part of the 90s generation if you name these 5 films in one picture – Seriesously.com

“Mom I Missed the Plane”, Pulp Fiction and Jurassic Park, films from the 90s

© United International Pictures / © 20th Century Fox / © Miramax

Did you grow up in the 90s? Is this decade your generation? Come and prove it with this quiz and try to find the five films below based on a picture.


What kind of movie is this from the 90s?

© 20th Century Fox

© 20th Century Fox

This picture is from Mom, I missed the plane.

What kind of movie is this from the 90s?

© Universal Pictures

© Universal Pictures

This image is from the film Babe, the Pig in the City.

What kind of movie is this from the 90s?

© Columbia Pictures

© Columbia Pictures

This is an image from the movie Endless Day.

What kind of movie is this from the 90s?

© United International Pictures

© United International Pictures

This is an image from Jurassic Park.

What kind of movie is this from the 90s?

© Gramercy Pictures

© Gramercy Pictures

This is a still from the movie Fargo.

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Well done

You did that perfectly! You belong to the 90s generation and know the films of that decade by heart.

We now offer you this different quiz.


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One or two small mistakes, but you got a good result. You definitely belong to the 90s generation.

We now offer you this different quiz.