1668253830 Radical novel the film about Marco Pannella and his contradictions

Radical novel: the film about Marco Pannella and his contradictions in the first television

Radical novel, the documentary about Pannella that will be broadcast on Rai

The public and private story of Marco Pannella (in the photo Andrea Bosca), the protagonist of our story, is at the heart of Romanzo radical, the documentary by Mimmo Calopreste, which will be shown for the first time on TV on Rai3 tonight at 9:25 p.m. Here’s everything we need to know. Rai photo

The life story of Marco Panella (played by the actor Andrea Boska) becomes docufiction. Roman Radical is the film directed by Mimmo Calopreste, which alternates reconstruction and interviews/testimonies from those who knew the radical leader. And he worked on it.

When the film / documentary tv about Marco Pannella comes out

Blending fiction and documentary, Radical Novel premieres on TV tonight. On Rai3, at 21.25.


The director tells the radical novel

The director charged with the task of this film adaptation is Mimmo Calopreste. “I’m happy to take the responsibility of telling a man who’s been able to assert himself in everything its complexity. An individual who, also thanks to his contradictions, has managed to become one protagonist of the history of Italy. Fight for the affirmation of the rights of all ».

Mimmo Calopreste also stresses the importance of the more visceral aspects of the political vision panella for the film’s good yield and fidelity. «His passion for the politics and the life It will be the story that becomes historical truth with the archival images and the interviews of the characters of this historical period. When the Radical Party Won Their Divorce Battle ».

Marco Panella

Marco Pannella during a rally on the abortion referendum in Rome. He was born in 1930 and died in 2016


radical novel dives into the universe of Marco Panella. From the political adventure to the most intimate aspects of his private life. This last aspect is supported by many testimonies from friends who knew him well. And at the same time by people who had opposing political convictions. The fiction will also be an opportunity to relive many fundamental moments of Italian society Twentieth centuryfrom the year 1959.

Italy 1959 and the struggle for happiness

At that time, the country was shaped by seemingly insurmountable dogmas such as the impossibility of divorce and abortion, which was considered a crime. Aspects to which conscription is added. However, from the late 1950s, less than twenty years later, also thanks to the commitment of Marco Pannella, a change took place that influenced many aspects of Italian life. The figure of Pannella was an integral part of a revolution dictated by a “simple” and fundamental ideology. Politicians must have the well-being of the citizens and their families in mind happiness.

movie poster for tv, a radical novel about marco pannella

THE CAST OF FICTION and the testimonials

The occupation from Romanzo Radicale (part fiction) is formed by Andrea Bosca in the role of Marco Pannella, Marco Leonardi (Gianfranco Spadaccia). Maxence Dinant (Jean Yves Autexier), Irene Casagrande (Mirella Parachini, Pannelli’s partner), Francesco Siciliano (Franco Roccella).

As for the documentary aspect, among many credentials found (in alphabetical order): Matteo Angioli, Angiolo Bandinelli. Marcello Baraghini, Bianca Beccalli Emma Bonino. Luciana Castellina, Laura Hart, Giampiero Mughini, Mons. Vincenzo Paglia. Mirella Parachini, Vasco RossiSergio Rovasio, Francesco Rutelli, Vittorio Sgarbi, Gianfranco Spadaccia, and Massimo Teodori.

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The docufiction radical novel will be broadcast live on TV on Rai3 the evening of Friday November 11, but it will also be possible to watch it in streaming and thanks to the also recover it in the following days RaiPlay free streaming platform.