Radio Havana Cuba New maneuver against Castillo fails

Radio Havana Cuba | New maneuver against Castillo fails

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Pedro Castillo took over the presidency of Peru in July 2021. Photo: web.

By: Maria Josefina Arce

Pedro Castillo took over the presidency of Peru in July 2021 and there were many obstacles he had to overcome and it actually started when he emerged victorious in the second round of general elections in June this year.

More than a month later, the National Electoral Jury announced the victory of the candidate for Free Peru. Demands for a vote recount by his rival, far-right Popular Force party Keiko Fujimori, over an alleged fraud he has never denied, created a scenario of uncertainty and long waits.

We must not lose sight of the fact that in trying to win at all costs, the daughter of former dictator Alberto Fujimori also wanted to avoid a corruption trial that could result in up to 30 years in prison.

In this context, Castillo took office and continues to be the target of destabilizing actions by the opposition. In the last few hours, a new maneuver against him failed because Congress did not agree to his dismissal.

The opposition’s presidential nomination motion did not receive the required 87 votes as only 55 MPs voted in favor, while 54 voted against and 19 abstained.

This is the second job posting request filed against Castillo. The first lawsuit, filed last December, was dismissed before it reached debate because it failed to garner the votes needed for its analysis in the Legislature.

The right has given Castillo no respite in these eight months mandate. Since he could not prevent his assumption of power with his false allegations of election fraud, he tried by all means during this time to remove him from the presidency.

He has attacked several appointments to the composition of his cabinet, an aspect on which the president made some mistakes for many.

On the opposition side, the major media, which, with a complicit attitude, have attacked the government and covered every action against the president in a comprehensive manner.

After hearing the result of the job posting application, Castillo noted that common sense, responsibility and democracy had prevailed and urged everyone to work together to address the country’s great challenges.

Peru needs stability, it has been stuck in a political and social crisis in recent years. It has had four presidents from 2018 to 2021 and the last six have been embroiled in corruption scandals.

The constant attacks on Pedro Castillo only lead to greater insecurity and instability in the country and do not allow any progress in its government program aimed at all Peruvians.