Radio Havana Cuba Russia does not intend to close

Radio Havana Cuba | Russia does not intend to close European embassies in Moscow

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Maria Zajárova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry. (File Photo/RHC)

MOSCOW, April 6 (RHC) – Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zajárova indicated that her country does not intend to stop the work of European embassies in Moscow.

“We regard diplomacy as a permanent means of communication between states, the importance of which is increasing in the current situation,” he stressed.

The representative of the Moscow Foreign Ministry pointed out that her country will react to the expulsion of its diplomats in all cases and made it clear that no one has canceled the principle of reciprocity in international relations.

“We will and have already made concrete decisions based on our own interests, taking into account the real circumstances and the contribution of certain countries to the anti-Russian hysteria,” he said. However, he pointed out that it is not about stopping the work of the European embassies in Moscow.

The spokeswoman felt that the campaign against her country in the European Union went beyond all reasonable limits. “It is a pity that they have chosen to hunt down diplomats as another lever against Russia. Problems will be created that they will face themselves and there will be no one to solve them,” he added.

The Russian official warned that the West was propaganda that the diplomatic route was the right and most successful way to solve existing problems.

In the meantime, he said, “diplomats are being expelled in batches and they’re inventing something that doesn’t exist in terms of their status, activities and so on.”

From the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine on February 24 to April 4, Western countries declared a total of 315 Russian diplomats, all from Europe and the United States, persona non grata, the TASS news agency reported. (Source:PL)