1649228893 Radio Havana Cuba Venezuelan armed forces locate explosive devices

Radio Havana Cuba | Venezuelan armed forces locate explosive devices

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Venezuelan forces locate explosive devices. Photo: Latin Press

Caracas, April 5 (RHC) Members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) located and destroyed explosive devices installed by Colombian militants in Apure state, Venezuela.

Through his Twitter account, FANB Strategic Operational Commander Domingo Hernández warned of the danger to civilians posed by the use of these devices by the so-called Tancol groups, allegedly armed terrorists, Colombian drug traffickers. . .

“Radical evil without borders. FANB locates and disables new improvised explosive devices along with bags of gunpowder and shrapnel that have been placed on the main street in the municipality of Páez, which can cripple, maim and even kill people and animals,” Hernández explained on the communication platform.

Recently, the senior military chief denounced that a farmer from Apure state suffered the mutilation of one of his lower limbs when he activated a mine planted by these paramilitary groups.

Since the beginning of the year, Rapid Deployment Units of the Venezuelan Armed Forces have intensified their patrol operations in the cross-border axis of the southwestern demarcation to neutralize these criminal gangs and dismantle illegal camps used as their bases of operations.

Likewise, combat pioneers are advancing in disabling artisanal explosive devices placed on streets and sidewalks by these criminal groups to cover their infiltration routes from neighboring countries.

According to the military high command, more than 10,000 FANB troops remain stationed in Apure to ensure sovereignty and territorial integrity. (Source: Latin Press)

Radio Havana Cuba Venezuelan armed forces locate explosive devices