We love her powerful, emotionally charged voice!
In the caption, she wrote, “With my intrinsic need to use my platform to speak about the things that truly matter, also came the call to manifest my truth here again through what makes my heart sing: Music.” These months of protecting my peace, putting conscious energy into my healing, and rediscovering myself without the pressure of social media were extremely therapeutic. I met little Rafi from before, who didn't experience the validation of a hundred thousand strangers. It's been too long since I forgot her. The beauty of existence is that we should have the freedom and choice to branch out. To start again. Try out, explore, reverse or even completely reinvent yourself. And I think that part of my process of evolving toward balance is allowing myself nuance, continuing to cultivate this big part of me, this message that deserves to be heard, this mission that needs to shine. I have an enormous privilege to be able to connect with so many people. And I believe that with my talent comes responsibility and power. For now, I feel like continuing to share it with you is consistent with the path I'm on now. It's intuitive. And I listen to myself. For no one but me. However, if this video brings a little light to some people's hearts, it will shatter mine. Because this world needs it…
Thank you for welcoming me. Thank you for honoring me on my journey. I love you endlessly. »