Rai 2 restarts an old program but very bad comments

Rai 2 restarts an old program, but very bad comments pop up immediately: "We can’t wait to miss it" Southern Excellencies

Rai 2 is ready to restart a program from the past: here’s what it’s all about and why the public doesn’t seem happy with the choice

Rai is conducting a real revolution affecting all his networks. For example, if in the afternoon of Rai 1 the presenter Serena Bortone and her Oggi è un altro giorno are said goodbye and Rai 3 has already been orphaned by Fabio Fazio with Che Tempo che Fa and Lucia Annunziata with Mezz’Ora what will happen to Rai 2? Based on rumors that have now become certain, a game show is to be broadcast on the second channel in the slot in which Marco Liorni is to take over the direction of Reazione a Catena on Rai 1.

This is a return to television from the early 2000s. However, we will not see an iconic Rai character again. Not Cloris Brosca, the gypsy of the Black Moon – solid face of Citofonare Rai 2, nor Alessandro Greco (now fully devoted to the radio). Instead, Pino Insegno returns to public service with his program Il Mercante in Fiera. In short, before the conductor, voice actor and comedian joins The Legacy in January 2024, he will appear on state television with an iconic game show. But let’s learn more about the details.

Rai 2, Il Mercante in Fiera is back on TV: all the previews and criticisms of Pino Insegno

If for years Il Mercante in Fiera was a Mediaset product since it was broadcast by Italia 1, this time the game show is back on TV but on Rai 2. It was supposed to be broadcast before TG2 at 20:30 and is based on The first The leaked rumors will start 60 episodes next fall. Rest assured that alongside Pino Insegno, who is taking on the role, there will also be the wonderful Ainette Stephens, who has played, and should continue to play, the role of the black cat for years.

While there are those who would be happy to see Ainette Stephens in tight overalls and a toned and lean physique, the public doesn’t seem too pleased with Pino Insegno’s massive presence in public service. In particular, someone wonders if the presenter will also moderate all the messages of the Rai networks, while the keyboard lions do not miss an opportunity to insult the helmsman of Il Mercante in Fiera and claim that the only thing he remembers on this show is simply this is black cat.

Rai 2, comments against Pino Insegno and his Mercante in Fiera

“I can’t wait to miss it,” read one harsh comment. For our part, we believe that Pino Insegno is an excellent conductor and show artist who has always given a lot to his programs, from Reazione a Catena to Mercante in Fiera. And you instead? Will you watch the show or do you prefer Marco Liorni and Amadeus on Rai 1?

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