Raped 14 year old girl had to fight for an

Raped 14 year old girl had to fight for an abortion in Poland

The Polish government of Mateusz Morawiecki has strong ties with the Catholic Church, to which more than 90% of the population belong. Catholic clergy give clear recommendations for the vote, in return arch-Catholic organizations like “Ordo Iuris” expect something in return, for example in the form of paragraphs that make abortions more difficult. According to “Federa”, only 107 official abortions will have taken place in Poland in 2021, compared with about ten times more two years earlier.

According to Polish media reports, there have been no abortions in the provinces (federal states, note) governed by PiS since 2020. Because doctors can refuse termination thanks to a conscience clause, as happened with the aforementioned 14-year-old. However, they should, in fact, refer to another hospital where abortion can be implemented, which did not happen.

More and more women depend on the hanger

In hospitals, medical staff fear the protests of Catholic organizations, which are also opposed to the last two clauses that legalize abortion. The organization “Federa” also considers the conscience clause “politically motivated” and calls for its abolition. According to polls, around 70% of Poles are now in favor of abortion up to the 12th week of pregnancy.

To prevent clandestine abortions, the government in October issued a registration requirement for pregnant women. Despite this, more and more Polish women are having illegal abortions at home or abroad at high cost. Women who cannot afford it often have only the hanger as a last aid for abortion. He therefore became a symbol of Polish women’s rights activists.