Raped by her own brother Nothing can fix whats broken

Raped by her brother, Myriam Veilleux finally sees “the light at the end of the tunnel”

Myriam Veilleux says she is “cleared” after the sentence dropped against her brother who sexually abused her in March 2018.

“I’ve been in prison for over five years.”

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As Ms Veilleux left the Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce courthouse, she tried to plan this “fresh start”.

Photo Pierre Paul Biron

“The rest is really about winning myself back. I had a past life, I had hobbies, I had projects. There I turn everything off and want to turn it back on and start over.

Michael Veilleux was sentenced to 42 months in prison for raping his own sister, but the victim remains insatiable.

Photo from Facebook

“Honestly, I would never have been happy with the sentence. What he did to me, he did to me, and there is no judgment that can undo what he took from me. It cannot be redeemed.

Judge Frank D’Amours did not accept the defendant’s version, recalling that a sister should always “hope that a brother will protect her and come to her aid”.

He adds that “victims of sexual assault need not remain silent,” and Myriam Veilleux is satisfied to have spoken.

She emphasizes: “You also have to respect yourself. We don’t have to go to court.

VAT News

“I wanted to do it for my values. Personally, I didn’t want it on my conscience that he did it to another girl, even though he knew I knew and that I was silent.

More than five years after the events, Ms Veilleux is clear that the court phase is now over and it is time to “move on”.

“The light at the end of the tunnel, I saw it and there I came out. I’ve come a long way.

VAT News