Rapes and kills 6 year old girl in prison Fidelity

Rapes and kills 6 year old girl in prison Fidelity News

His case attracted particular attention because of the brutality with which the murder was carried out. Alesha MacPhail was just 6 years old when she was raped and killed Aaron Campbell, then sentenced to the just punishment of prison. His stay in the penitentiary immediately seemed rather complicated because of its permanence threats suffered by the other occupants.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for those who have committed such heinous crimes in prison to face constant pressure and sometimes even violence. And that’s exactly what happened to Campbell when his phone accidentally came left unattended for a few minutes – here’s what happened.

The fact

After months of threats and constant harassment, the worst finally happened. I wasn’t expecting anything other than a misstep by the occupants Scottish prison to which the brutal murderer Aaron Campbell, who had pleaded guilty, was assigned raped and killed a girl of only 6 years. It was enough for the police to leave his cell unattended for a few minutes for the inmates to rush in and beat Campell to death.

Campbell was found on the ground, still being beaten by his attackers. The agents managed to rescue him for the broken headset, pull by force outside the cell while the inmates were still angry. Immediately transported to the hospital, his condition is he immediately looked seriousbut he’ll probably get away with it.

He was only 16 years old in July 2018 when he was tainted with it brutal murder, he must spend 24 more years in prison before he can accept freedom again. Little Alesha was kidnapped from her bed at home in the middle of the night just to be found in the forest after a few days with inhuman signs of violence. It will certainly not be child’s play for him to continue escaping the wrath of the other inmates who still promise revenge.