Ratinho decides to fire SBTs righthand man quotIm not there

Ratinho decides to fire SBT’s righthand man: "I’m not there anymore" Focus TV

Moderator fires righthanders

little mouse became one of the biggest names in Brazilian television due to its broadcast on SBT. In front of the cameras, he conquered the public with his charisma and even Silvio Santos.

This week, however, the presenter drew attention by releasing the broadcaster’s right arm and revealing a sad statement. “I’m not part of the group anymore” says an excerpt.

At the time, Simone Munhoz, presenter of SBT Paraná, was on vacation and was fired when she returned to the station.


The famous actress, believed to be the artist’s righthand man and hired by Rede Massa, announced that she was fired from the Paraná Canal shortly after returning from her vacation time.

“To my friends who follow me here… I no longer belong to Grupo Massa. When I came back from vacation I got fired!” began Ratinho’s former contract, which continued:

Mouse and Lucas Lucco

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Ratinho was outraged by the embarrassment on stage (Photo Reproduction/SBT)

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“Life that goes on… Let’s go forward, head held high, not afraid of happiness! Thank you for all your affection,” according to the presenter’s former contract.

The last time Simone Munhoz appeared on the channel was on January 3rd. Julia Rodrigues will take his place.

Ratinho fires Simone Munhoz as SBT daughter after presenter returns from holiday (Photo: Reproduction / Record)Ratinho fires Simone Munhoz as SBT daughter after presenter returns from holiday (Photo: Reproduction / Record)


In the publication’s comments, the public was devastated by the sacking of Ratinho’s righthand man.

“Rede Massa was a great broadcaster and is now sending away the best TV professionals. If you can’t hold on to a great pro, close the doors and take that channel out of the air,” said one.

“I was very saddened by this news,” admitted another. “I’m sick of this news,” said another.

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