Razov on the Farnesina the message to the Russian Ambassador

Razov on the Farnesina, the message to the Russian Ambassador to Italy: “In the Donbass referendum farce: your troops away from Ukraine”

A clear message. Strict condemnation of Italy for farce referendums, consultations illegally conducted by the Russian Federation violation of an international norm“. The Secretary General of the Farnesina said thus: Ettore Sequi, after the interview with the Russian Ambassador to Italy Serghey Razov. The diplomat had been summoned by the Italian government as part of an initiative coordinated by the EU. The goal of the meeting is clear: to tell the Kremlin that “Italy does not and will not recognize the result»About the referendums that took place in Donbass. The Secretary General of the Farnesina then asked “the Russian authorities to lift it illegal acts (Referendums) and to Withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukrainian territory unconditionally, fully and immediately “.

“We will consider further measures against Russia”

Before this morning’s interview, Minister for Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani had expected it war in Ukraine it would not have been the only topic of discussion. A clarification was one of the items on the agenda that the minister revealed “Sabotage situation” at Nord Stream. However, today Sequi denied everything: “The topic of the sabotage of the Nord Stream was not discussed during the interview,” said the Secretary General of Farnesina after the interview with Razov. Sequi then repeated that “Ukraine has the right to liberate the occupied territories within its internationally recognized borders. And we – added the secretary of the Farnesina – will continue to provide for one strong support to Ukraine for as long as necessary”. For this reason, Sequi announced: “Italy will fully align with the partner countries in the assessment further restrictive measures against Russia’s illegal activities such as peaceful leverage to end this war of aggression ».

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