Read Hamas statement claiming responsibility for attacks against Israel

Read Hamas’ statement claiming responsibility for attacks against Israel

The extremist group released a statement saying the action was a response to “Zionist aggression” against the Palestinian people

The extremist group Hamas released an official statement on Saturday (October 7, 2023) claiming responsibility for the attacks against Israel. It announces the start of “Operation Flood of AlAqsa,” alluding to the holy region for Jews and Muslims. It said the attacks were a response to “Zionist aggression” against the Palestinian people and that Israel was “playing with fire by continuing its crimes and fascist policies.”

“The blessed ‘AlAqsa flood’ is a victory for the justice of the Palestinian cause and for the right of the Palestinian people to freedom, dignity, liberation and return to their land from which they were forcibly expelled,” one said Excerpt statement available on Hamas website. Here is the full note in Arabic (PDF 2 MB) and in Portuguese (translated in the browser using the Google tool).

Hamas lists a few points in the statement:

  • says the attack is to protect the Palestinian people;
  • notes that the struggle of the “Arab nation” requires victory by all available means;
  • Arab countries must work to support the Palestinian people;
  • calls for the release of prisoners from “fascist occupation prisons”, without giving details;
  • describes Israel’s presence as a “fascist occupation.”

Watch footage of the Hamas attack (3 min 24 sec):

Learn more about the war in Israel:

  • the extremist group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack against Israel on October 7;
  • around 2,000 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip; Extremists have also entered Israeli cities there are reports of kidnappings of soldiers and civilians;
  • Hamas claimed responsibility for the attacks in an official statement posted on its website;
  • Israel responded by bombing targets in the Gaza Strip;
  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared war on Hamas and spoke of the group’s destruction;
  • the conflict has already claimed 970 lives (600 Israelis and 370 Palestinians) and injured hundreds;
  • World leaders like Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron condemned the attacks Jewish organizations did the same;
  • Iran and Hezbollah celebrated Hamas’ action;
  • Itamaraty announced it would request an emergency meeting at the United Nations to discuss the conflict.
  • Lula called the Hamas attacks “terrorism,” but qualified the episode;
  • 1 Brazilian injured and 2 missing in Israel, says Itamaraty;
  • There will be an operation by the Lula government to repatriate Brazilians to areas affected by the attacks.
  • The Israeli embassy in Brazil described Hamas as an “offshoot” of the Iranian regime;
  • Arthur Lira and Rodrigo Pacheco also spoke and called for peace;
  • Bolsonaro dismissed the attacks and linked Hamas to Lula;
  • OPINION The relationship between Hamas and Iran is an obstacle to peace, writes Claudio Lottenberg;
  • UNDERSTAND Find out what Hamas is and the history of the conflict with Israel
  • PHOTOS AND VIDEOS see images of war.




