Rebagliati questions Advinculas commitment to Peru quotI suck an egg

Rebagliati questions Advíncula’s commitment to Peru: "I suck an egg that comes out yellow"

The last defeat of the Peruvian team Against Bolivia he led Juan Reynoso’s team to last place in the table and sparked even more criticism of his work. But it wasn’t just the Bicolor coach who was the subject of questions, several players were also targeted by the white and red fans and the press after the duel in La Paz, including the full-back Luis Advínculawho received a reprimand for his complaint and was suspended for the next game against Vinotinto in Lima.

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One of those who criticized “Rayo” was the commentator Diego Rebagliati: “I’m not saying he ran to get a yellow card, but it’s like he had difficulty getting a yellow card. It makes me feel like he doesn’t have the same level of commitment as before,” he said. on the YouTube show “D&T.” “I don’t understand what they were complaining about. As for me, they complained about the loss of time, that’s the only thing I can understand. Since I don’t think about offside, they will argue with the VAR.” he added.

Likewise, the other panelist, Jesús Alzamora, mentioned that it seemed to him that “Bolt” was “already upset by the departure of Marcelo Martins, which took a long time.” But Rebagliati commented on the Advíncula “He was upset about not starting since he wasn’t a starter.”

Boca Juniors fans celebrate Luis Advíncula being suspended for Peru

When he was suspended due to an accumulation of warnings, Boca Juniors fans were delighted because “Rayo” was able to return to the Xeneize squad for the game against Estudiantes de La Plata in the semi-finals of the Argentine Cup: “He always does that Same in Peru, I love him. Seriously, I think he does it on purpose because his priority is Boca. Advinculism at its best”, “Advíncula got a warning to come and play the Argentine Cup semi-final”, “He did it by the way, I love you Advíncula”, were some of the comments they published on X.

Rebagliati questions Advinculas commitment to Peru quotI suck an eggBoca fans after Advíncula’s suspension. Photo: Twitter