Recap of the soap opera e Paixao Next Chapter Wednesday

Recap of the soap opera e Paixão: Next Chapter, Wednesday January 3 TV

Check out the synopsis of the next chapter of Terra e Paixão, Globo's nine o'clock soap opera, airing this Wednesday (3):

Marino manages to hand over the farmers and save Aline and Teresinha. Lucinda thinks Anely's engagement to Natercinho is hasty. Petra tells Luigi that she didn't kill Agatha. Silvério tells Antônio that the customer's situation is complicated.

Marino arrests Antônio and insists on handcuffing the rural producer. Anely tells Luana that she suspects that Berenice told Antônio about Aline's whereabouts. Enzo admits to Berenice that he has lost interest in her. Caio watches Aline sleep.

Read the summaries of the next chapters of the soap opera Terra e Paixão.

Terra and Paixão chapters are provided by Globo and are subject to change without notice

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