Record drought and heat sowing clouds in China rockets into

Record drought and heat, sowing clouds in China: rockets into the sky to induce rain. Here’s how

there drought and the hot record They are bringing certain areas of the world to their knees China central and southwest. A situation so serious that the Chinese authorities are trying to bring about rain. As? “Impregnate” the clouds. A technique that has already been tried and tested in the past, with which attempts are being made to remedy the serious water shortages in many regions.


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The situation

The Yangtze River, Asia’s longest waterway, has now reached record levels of water scarcity. In some places, rainfall has been less than half of normal. Hydroelectric fields are currently down by half in production. At the same time, the rise in the use of air conditioning has brought energy companies to their knees. The heatwave has lasted two months and is the longest ever recorded in China, says the National Climate Center.

The “sowing” of the clouds

According to local media – and as reported by the BBC – some provinces around the Yangtze affected by the drought will then carry out “cloud seeding” operations: rockets will be launched in Hubei and a number of other provinces, to which they will transport chemicals Heaven. But how does the technology work?

How the technology works

The purpose of cloud seeding is to induce rain. As? Particles of silver iodide are released above the clouds that are already there: the salt grains cause the water droplets that form the clouds to cluster into drops large and heavy enough to fall to the ground, in short, to turn into rain. Fertilization occurs with the launch of rockets when the sky becomes cloudy.


It’s not the first time the Chinese have tried to intervene in the weather. He did so at a parade during the centenary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. Another reported production of induced rain occurred in 2008 at the Beijing Olympic Games: however, at the time, the intention was to make it rain to prevent it from raining during the grand opening ceremony of the Games.