1681959395 Record heatwave sweeps Asia dozens dead schools closed and loose

Record heatwave sweeps Asia: dozens dead, schools closed and loose road surfaces

According to climate researcher Maximiliano Herrera, April is the worst month in the history of the Asian continent from a climatic point of view. Record temperatures in China, loose road surfaces in Bangladesh and schools closed in India due to the scorching heat.

Record heatwave sweeps Asia dozens dead schools closed and loose

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An incredible one Wave From heat it covers numerous Asian countries that are experiencing what the climatologist called the worst April ever in terms of climate Maximilian Herrera, with dozens of deaths and closed schools.

The situation is particularly difficult in India, China, Thailand And Laos, where record temperatures are recorded for this time of year.

In Chinalocal media reported that record high temperatures for April were seen in many places including Cheng you, Zhejiang, Nanjing, Hangzhou and other areas of the Yangtze River Delta. But unusually high temperatures were also reported in the United States South East Asia in recent days, as in Laoswhere, according to Herrera, 42.7ºC was recorded this week, the highest temperature in its history.

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Record heatwave sweeps Asia dozens dead schools closed and loose

In Thailanda government monitoring station in Tak, in the north-west of the country, recorded 45.4°C on Saturday, beating the previous high of 44.6°C recorded in Mae Hong Son on April 28, 2016.

In Bangladesh temperatures above 40°C in the capital, dhakalast Saturday, the hottest day in 58 years, caused the resolution of the road surface. An official with the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Climate Change said that heat emergency would be declared in some areas if the heat doesn’t abate.

Also India makes record temperatures. Temperatures in excess of 44°C were observed in six cities to the north and east, while the capital, Delhi, recorded 40.4°C on Tuesday. The heatwave is expected to last until at least Friday. Some local governments have ordered this in recent days school closingswhile 13 people died from the excessive heat and 8 others received medical treatment due to a sunstroke after an outdoor awards ceremony in the state Maharashtra.

Very unusual temperatures for this month have also been recorded in Central Asia, including the Kazakhstanwhere 33.6 °C was measured in Taraz, a record for April, the Turkmenistan and theUzbekistan.