Record power outage in Sao Paulo, more than 2 million people without electricity

After the worrying climate storms come the legal ones Enel Brazilthe mixed capital company controlled by the Italian statewho, like a flash, received the news that the prefecture of the megalopolis of Sao Paulo will initiate with the municipal attorney general’s office, a public civil lawsuit against the company responsible for supplying the capital with energy. The municipality also announced that it would inform them For that, against it (Consumer Association) and theNational Electricity Agency so that action can be taken against the company. The announcement came five days later Energy crisis which affected the communities in the greater São Paulo area after a tornado And temporally which repeatedly hit the capital Paulista for three days on Friday.

Despite Enel Brasil’s promise to resolve the city’s power outage problem by the end of Tuesday evening, the city has done so Thousands of properties are still without power. The company had announced the date as a deadline for completing the restoration of electricity, but residents said Tuesday evening Vila Andrade/Morumbi And Cotiaupset about the lack of electricity, They blocked important arteriesincluding Avenida Giovanni Gronchi, which fell into darkness, but illuminated by the light of burnt tires. Police intervened to remove the barricades and one officer was shot in the leg. The damage caused byThe apocalyptic blackout is priceless. Large parts of the metropolis remained without power for days, including homes, businesses and vital services such as emergency rooms, hospitals, shops, schools and home working. Food thrown in the trash, respirators that no longer work.

On Tuesday morning, members of the Homeless movement They demonstrated in front of Enel headquarters. The mayor of São Bernardo do Campo, Orlando Morandoexplained to the newspaper Estadão that the country manager of Enel Brasil, Nicola Cotugno“,”he should be arrested and blamed for the power outage,” which left 200,000 households in 24 communities in the metropolitan region without power on the fourth day. “He is a criminal“, said Morando to Estadão, who – adds the newspaper – believes that the prosecution should ask about his preventive detention “to protect the rights of society”. “Obviously it is impossible to predict the restoration of the grid, where the poles, The transformer and cable were torn off. We need very strong cooperation between the parties to be able to achieve this goal,” said the President of Enel Brasil, Max Lins at GloboNews’ Estudio 1.

The federal government will ask Enel for measures and explanations about the blackout. The National Consumer Secretariat, linked to the Justice Ministry, notified Enel, which exited after the storm on Friday more than 2 million customers in the dark, which was considered unacceptable by the Secretariat. “Responsible for energy distribution in 24 municipalities of the São Paolo metropolitan area, Enel is obliged to compensate consumers who have suffered losses due to the lack of electricity, the national consumer minister told CNN. Wadih Damous. Enel – he writes Leandro Demori in an article for Icl Notícias – has laid off 36 percent of its employees in Brazil since 2019, from the first day it took over the company from Eletropaulo. The layoffs – according to Demori – have contributed “to investments in green energy” in Italy, but also to the repatriation of huge “liquidity transfers” that help “reduce the Italian budget deficit, forecast at 5.3 percent this year” . “Enel is known for letting the power grid fall into disrepair“To make no investments even in maintaining the system,” writes Demori in his detailed dossier. Enel is a joint venture controlled by the Italian state, which owns 23.6 percent of the company through the Ministry of Economy, i.e. Italy. is the company’s largest shareholderbut has private shareholders, of which they are the majority.