Red and Gold Receiver with very little football experience causes

Red and Gold: Receiver with very little football experience causes fireworks because of his athleticism

Did Laval University’s Rouge et Or commit a robbery by recruiting receiver and returner Guillaume Cauchon, who had played just one game in three years in the college ranks?

Upset by injuries, illness and COVID-19 that forced the cancellation of the 2020 season, Cauchon played just one game for the CNDF. Glen Constantin praised his assistants Justin Éthier and Guillaume Rioux for their flair and assured that Rouge et Or didn’t roll the dice when recruiting the 5-foot-10, 190-pound receiver.

“As the CNDF is near us, Justin and Guillaume saw some of their training sessions and were impressed by his sporting qualities,” said the head coach of the Rouge et Or, explaining the decision of cup winners Vanier to bet on Cauchon. “If he had played in a program outside of Quebec we would have missed him, but it’s easier to find a player in our backyard. »

In last Saturday’s 46-14 win at McGill, Cauchon completed the second-longest comeback in Rouge et Or history and the fourth-longest in the RSEQ. He returned a punt 100 yards for a touchdown.

The record of 115 yards belongs to Daniel Fleury, who achieved the feat in 1998 against the Carleton Ravens. However, Fleury clarified that it was a return from a missed field goal by the Ravens, contrary to what the RSEQ record book says was a punt return.

“It’s exciting to make a comeback like this, but I didn’t think I would score a touchdown right away since I picked up the ball on the ground,” Cauchon said. A gap appeared and I exploded into the hole, taking advantage of a few good blocks. This is the highlight of my career so far, but there are more big games to come. »

No doubt about his potential

Cauchon, who missed the entire 2022 season, had a good training camp and secured a spot on the 52-man roster. “I had questions last year because I wasn’t dressed, but I never doubted that my time would come,” he said. I knew I would eventually earn my spot. Last year we relied on an experienced group of receivers and I didn’t have room for them. »

Multi-sport athlete

Cauchon has played various sports since he was in elementary school. “I ran short track speed skating, which explains my lower body explosion and helps me with soccer,” he said. I played basketball during my five years at Saint-François Seminary. I stayed at CNDF for a year before choosing football exclusively. »

Although he had very limited experience, Cauchon was confident that he could establish himself on the university scene. “I have little experience due to injuries, illness and COVID-19, but I make up for it with my athleticism. »

Constantin believes Cauchon’s success against the Redbirds won’t stop there. “His best football is yet to come,” he said. Because he is explosive and aggressive, I think he can have the same impact as Vincent Forbes-Mombleau. He’s bloated, as our trainers say, and I’m learning to figure it out. »

The former Rouge et Or receiver now wears the colors of the Edmonton Elks in the CFL.