Red cat Gizmo refuses to leave his favorite toy tunnel

Red cat Gizmo refuses to leave his favorite toy tunnel [Video]

You can’t catch me! Ginger furry Gizmo refuses to leave his favorite toy tunnel as the owner tries to clear it out in hilarious footage

  • Gizmo dives into the tunnel while his owner Kayla Delcour, 29, tries to clean him up.
  • A seven-year-old cat races between sections while Miss Delcourt tries to tie them up.
  • Miss Delcourt pulls Gizmo out of the tunnel, only for him to dive back inside.
  • Her five-year-old son Grayson can be heard laughing with delight at the cat’s antics.

A stubborn Moggy is caught on camera refusing to get out of his favorite toy tunnel as its owner desperately tries to remove it with a game of cat and mouse.

The hilarious footage shows seven-year-old Gizmo diving into a tunnel just as his owner, Kayla Delcourt, 29, tries to stack him in her California living room.

There are four interconnecting holes in the tunnel, between which the Maine Coon races while Ms. Delcourt hopelessly tries to connect each individual part.

At one point, Miss Delcourt lifts Gizmo out of the tunnel and places him next to her, only for him to dive into another section.

The hilarious footage shows seven-year-old Gizmo diving into a tunnel just as his owner Kayla Delcourt, 29, tries to get him out of her living room in California.

The hilarious footage shows seven-year-old Gizmo diving into a tunnel just as his owner Kayla Delcourt, 29, tries to get him out of her living room in California.

Miss Delcour’s five-year-old son, Grayson, can be heard laughing with delight every time Gizmo manages to re-enter the tunnel.

Just as Miss Delcourt thinks Gizmo is out of the tunnel, she starts collecting him, but Grayson announces, “He’s in the pink tunnel, right inside the tunnel.”

Ms. Delcourt then turns the tunnels upside down, thinking Gizmo will get out, but he just jumps back in and settles down, hiding under the plastic.

Finally, Miss Delcourt manages to tie all four pieces of the toy and place them on Gizmo, who is still not moving.

Only when Madame Delcourt lifts the stacked tunnel is a reluctant Gizmo left to sit alone on the carpet.

There are four interlocking burrows in the tunnel, between which Gizmo races as Miss Delcourt hopelessly tries to tie each individual piece together. At one point, Ms. Delcourt even lifts Gizmo out of the tunnel and places him next to him, only for him to dive into another section.

There are four interlocking burrows in the tunnel, between which Gizmo races as Miss Delcourt hopelessly tries to tie each individual piece together. At one point, Ms. Delcourt even lifts Gizmo out of the tunnel and places him next to him, only for him to dive into another section.

Ms. Delcourt said that despite rarely using the tunnel, the sassy ginger cat thought it was the perfect time to play with the toy when she was cleaning up.

The family shares videos of Gizmo on TikTok, and another hilarious clip shows him getting tangled up in Miss Delcourt’s shorts while she uses the bathroom.

There are three other cats in the family, Bruce, Arya and Luna, each with their own unique personality, Ms Delcourt says.

Arya is the oldest of the four, she is 12 years old, followed by Bruce, 5 years old, and Luna, 2 years old.

Kayla and her husband Ryan Delcourt, 30, also have a three-year-old son named Finnley, who, like his brother, found the incident very amusing.

Then Miss Delcour turns the tunnels upside down, thinking that Gizmo will get out, but he just jumps back and settles down, nestling under the plastic tunnel.  Finally, Miss Delcourt manages to tie all four sections of the tunnel together and then stack them on top of each other and on Gizmo, who is still not moving.

Then Miss Delcour turns the tunnels upside down, thinking that Gizmo will get out, but he just jumps back and settles down, nestling under the plastic tunnel. Finally, Miss Delcourt manages to tie all four sections of the tunnel together and then stack them on top of each other and on Gizmo, who is still not moving.

Kayla said: “Gizmo is a wild child, he is very playful and loves to fight his cat neighbors.

“He is also a curtain freak and attacks his own tail.

“He is very vocal and very pleasant. Every night he yells at me until I get into bed so he can suck on his favorite blanket.

“I make all these cat videos to make people smile. If my cats can make one person laugh, then we’ve done our job for today.

“All pet cats were taken from shelters or, in Arya’s case, found under a truck.

“I consider myself lucky because I have this constant source of joy in my home.”