Redeemed by Maite Proenca and Carolina Ferraz are suing

Redeemed by , Maitê Proença and Carolina Ferraz are suing the broadcaster

It seems that Carolina Ferraz and Maitê Proença still haven’t accepted the layoff they suffered at Globo in 2016! The two actresses decided to join a lawsuit against the broadcaster in order to have more strength against the audiovisual giant in court. Maitê opened a case in 2018 and this Saturday (June 4th) Carolina was a witness for the defense of her former colleague.

According to the Notícias da TV portal, which had access to Ferraz’s testimony, Maitê Proença is seeking compensation of R$500,000 to have her labor and employment rights recognized. The actress was hired as a legal entity (PJ), which means she was a service provider and not a CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws), which guarantees benefits and security to the employee.

Maitê called Carolina, who also sued the broadcaster and asked for recognition of the employment. The Record TV presenter said in her testimony that she had no details about the form of contract practiced with Maitê, but that in her case Globo would have forced her to sign a contract outside of the work portfolio.

“Plaintiff estimates that she has signed approximately eight contracts through her legal entity, and she believes that all of them were consecutive without remembering whether a short time may have elapsed between them; that the mediation of a legal person was necessary to hire the custodian,” he points out to the process.

Ferraz said he had a tiewearing maid routine while he worked at the Carioca station. She also revealed that she even gave up acting in a play to do a soap opera on Globo in her third month. It is worth remembering that she also filed a lawsuit against her former home and asserted her labor rights. She is demanding compensation of R$ 7 million.

In the process, to which Notícias da TV had access, Maitê Proença says that she found out about her departure from the press in the second half of 2016. “It was very strange, I had no warning. When the rumors started circulating that I had already been fired, I called the person who told me the contract would be renewed and they told me it was indeed going to be terminated,” she explained.

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