Reduce speed limits to beat Putin

Reduce speed limits to beat Putin

(Newser) – Sir Richard Branson, who broke world speed records in boats and balloons and threw Jeff Bezos into space last year, isn’t usually known for advocating slower speeds – but he says it could be the key to defeating Vladimir Putin. The billionaire says the world must reduce its reliance on Russian energy and speed limits should be reduced by 10mph for the next year to cut fuel consumption and “end this war,” reports the Telegraph. In the UK, this would increase the speed limit on motorways from 70 to 60mph.

Branson says reducing speed limits in Western countries would save enough fuel to help countries like Germany, which rely heavily on Russian fuel imports – and lower prices through lower demand. He says households should try to limit their use of heating and air conditioning and airlines like his own Virgin Atlantic could save fuel by cutting unprofitable routes. “If we can reduce the West’s dependency on fuel, say by just 10%, about three billion barrels of fuel will become free. That will be enough to ensure countries like Germany don’t have to import anymore,” Branson tells CNBC.

In a blog post Wednesday, Branson said it was “absurd that Western countries are sending billions of dollars to Russia for fossil fuels. Importing Russian oil and gas is funding Putin’s war and must stop immediately.” He said citizens must play a role in supporting Ukraine’s fight against Russian invasion and governments must massively increase military aid. “The world must not look on as Russian troops level city after city,” he said. (Read more stories by Richard Branson.)