Regina Duarte posts fake news pro Bolsonaro against Nando Reis

Regina Duarte posts fake news pro Bolsonaro against Nando Reis on Instagram

The actress Regina Duarte posted on Instagram this Thursday (2) a fake video in which Nando Reis gives a speech against former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and a crowd reacts with shouts of “myth”.

However, the post is false, as the platform itself states. When you click on the video post it says “False information. The same information was analyzed by independent factcheckers in another publication” and you have to click at the bottom of the screen to see what it’s about. According to the platform, the information was verified by Agência Lupa.

Duarte is a known supporter of Jair Bolsonaro and has made other posts about the former president on social media, including on Thursday (2). After Nando Reis’ video, she released another video honoring the former president.

In 2020, she joined the Bolsonaro government in the Culture Secretariat. She stayed for almost three months and left the position to take over the Cinemateca Brasileira in São Paulo which never happened.

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