Registration for day care starts this Monday 12th control register

Registration for day care starts this Monday (12th). control register

The process can be carried out by the legal guardians on the PreviRio portal who are responsible for paying the daycare money

Beginning this Monday (12th), Rio de Janeiro City Hall officials who have received Day Care Allowance, one of the types of Educational Allowance 2022, can submit documentation proving the correct use of the benefit during the year.

Therefore, the documents must be submitted by January 11th.

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How To

Therefore, the procedure can be carried out by legal guardians on the PreviRio portal, the institute responsible for the payment of the benefit. Therefore, on the site it is necessary to attach a school certificate stating the period in which the child was enrolled in the year, with the signature of the person in charge of the educational institution. In addition, the presentation of the CNPJ and the corresponding ID is required; and regulation of an authority in the field of education, which authorizes the operation of the school, in private network units.

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If the record originally sent was rejected, the server can send a new document.

Childcare support

In summary, the Day Care Allowance (Previ Creche) of R$270.43 per month will only be paid to Previ Rio policyholders, who will receive up to R$4,848.00 through December of this year. And who have children or legal dependents aged one to six years and eleven months who are enrolled in a private school at the time of enrollment. Therefore, the benefit does not apply to the person in need of care who is in a day care center or a public school.

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Therefore, the Previ Crèche can be requested at any time until the end of November via the Previ Rio portal. It is therefore not necessary to present the documents when registering for daycare assistance. However, the review must be carried out at the end of each year between December and January.


In addition, the City of Rio offers PreviEducação paid to statutory, active or retired officials who have received up to R$ 4,848.00 through December. And who have dependents (children, guardians, or dependents) under the age of 18 who are enrolled in a public or private school.

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Image: Joa Souza /