rejected rejected minister repeatedly does not want to continue with

rejected rejected minister repeatedly does not want to continue with continued and China returned

pointed back

Diana Mondino, an economist targeted as foreign minister in the government of the ultraliberal Javier Milei, elected this Sunday (19) as the next president of Argentina, said that the country will “stop” interacting with the governments of China and China Brazil.

The Backrepeated, in turn, when asked if Argentina would promote exports and imports with these countries, she replied that she does not intend to interact with the two countries.

In a recent interview with Portal news agency, Mondino said that under Milei’s leadership, Argentina has no intention of joining the BRICS group, which consists of Brazil, China, Russia, India and South Africa. Argentina is among the six countries invited as new members of the BRICS.

During the election campaign, the now elected Argentine president also criticized China and Brazil, which are among his country’s most important trading partners. A few months ago, Milei even compared the Chinese government to a “murderer” and said the Chinese people are “not free.”

reply back. “Mondino explained in the interview that some in the world have misinterpreted Presidentelect Milei’s foreign policy,” Mao said in an interview with Portal.

“No country could terminate diplomatic relations and still be able to engage in trade and economic cooperation. It would be a major foreign policy mistake for Argentina to break off relations with important countries such as China or Brazil,” Mao said.

Mondino did not respond to a request from Portal to clarify his comments to RIA Novosti. Before the election, Mondino said Argentina had no problems negotiating with Brazil and, with regard to China, Milei would try to end opaque agreements between states.

“What we won’t do is secret contracts. Argentina, this government, has held several secret negotiations over the last 20 years,” she explained. repeated not normal and pointed out pointed out

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