Remains of 240 people found under shop in UK.jfif

Remains of 240 people found under shop in UK

British archaeologists have found the remains of at least 240 people, including children, under an old department store in the city Haverfordwestin the county PembrokeshireIn the Wales. According to the researchers, the bones indicate the presence of an ancient medieval cemetery at the site and may be linked to a pivotal battle in the tomb’s history United Kingdom.

Archaeological dig in Wales finds remains of 240 people

Archaeological dig in Wales finds remains of 240 people

Photo: Dyfed Archaeological Trust / Instagram / Estadão

According to Wales Online, the skeletons were found by a team from the Dyfed Archaeological Trust excavating the archaeological site of an ancient monastery beneath Ocky White department store, which closed in 2013. Archaeologists believe that the ruins come from the priory of São Salvador, founded by Dominican friars around 1256.

“It’s a very prestigious place to be buried. You have a variety of people, from the wealthiest locals to the city dwellers in general,” Andrew Shobbrook, one of the archaeologists overseeing work at the site, told the BBC.

Archaeologists point out that the site may be associated with an important medieval battle, as many of the remains found during the excavation show signs of violent death, such as B. Blows to the head which may have been inflicted by arrows or musket balls.

One of the hypotheses presented to Wales Online is that the bodies could be those who took part in an attack by French and Welsh forces led by Owain Glyndwr, the last Prince of Wales of Welsh origin. “It is known that the village was besieged by the rebel leader’s troops in 1405,” says the report.

According to the BBC, the dig site will be converted into a grocery store and bar.

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