Renato Zero about Domenica In I spoke to my dead

Renato Zero about Domenica In: “I spoke to my dead mother for six minutes. I asked God” NATIONAL DAILY

Rome, December 10, 2023 – A very sensitive and moving interview with Renato Zero in the Sunday lounge of Sunday In carried out by the landlady Mara Venier. The artist talked about his life with affection and success and traced his life his very strong bond with his parents his late father and, above all, his special relationship with his mother.

About his life he said: “I have died many times. I too died of contentment. When success is too strong, it hits you and destroys you. I've made it with the streets, I have a daily relationship with them (the fans, editor's note).

Dialogue with the mother in the dream

Renato Zero describes the mother cas a “real Roman”. “I always listened to my mother,” he says. She avoided many scams, thanks to her I opened my eyes and suffered less. I had my mother at home until I was allowed to keep her. I've seen every single one his morning smile combined with orange juiceTo. An appointment that still helps me live today.” “I only dreamed about it once, one night – he adds. It was on the pier in Ostia, looking out to sea, and I saw a Rita Hayworth hairdo and a brimmed hat behind me. At some point she turned around and I asked her a few questions.'Did you suffer when you died?', I asked her. “No love, I left much sooner than you thought,” she answered me in the dream. Then as I was talking to her – I say this because we see Madonnas, we look for saints and miracles – I had the courage the courage to ask God to open my eyes and continue talking to my mother, and I did that for a good six minutes.. An experience that left him with “serenity,” says Zero, coupled with the awareness “that people don’t go away when you have loved so completely.”