1664805948 Renato Zero on the attack quotEmbarrassing figures after Draghiquot

Renato Zero on the attack: "Embarrassing figures after Draghi"

Renato Zero on the attack quotEmbarrassing figures after Draghiquot

Renato Zero talk about politics again. The singer took the stage at the turn of the elections, about which he had already commented on the evening of September 25th. On Sunday, the artist, a guest in the same hotel where the exponents of the Brothers of Italy were waiting for the results, thundered: “You can’t even enter the hotel, this is a regime”. It still is: “Choose the m… who you are“. Here is a new reflection: “Politics often deserts less visible needs – he says in the columns of the weekly Oggi -. There is an Italian people that is almost never present when fundamental decisions are made. Who is healthy stays healthy, who is sick they still succumb“.

Renato Zero, the video of the triumph in the Circus Maximus

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Zero was often wooed by the parties, as he himself says: “They have often asked me to run instead they only serve to warm the seat”. Then, back to current events: “We even saw each other stripped dragon who was healthy very doable and liked by Europe. In an emergency like this, it will be an even more serious mistake. I see they are candidates even embarrassing numbers. To be honest, I don’t feel optimistic.”

It ends badly for Renato Zero: he's walking down the street and the unthinkable happens |  photo

Symbol par excellence of freedom, the singer claims: “I represented the excess, the ambiguityTransgression, all elements that the bourgeois and bigoted mentality dislikes.” And today, at the age of 70, he is no less. The singer has no intention of giving up his revolutionary personality that has propelled him to the rise of music’s highlights.